During the fall season in southeastern US, before cold temperatures set in, is when I get into my garden and shake things up a bit. First, I transplant small shrubs and perennials that I’ve decided need to be someplace else in the garden! I just moved a volunteer Broadleaf Mock Orange out of the center […]
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Using Hand Cut Sod Plugs to Fill Bare Areas in Our Yard
When we moved into our home the lawn was receiving plenty of sun and was lush and green. Fast forward twelve years, now the trees in our back lawn and adjacent woodland garden have grown so much that a large area of the yard is now shaded. As a result, the original Bermuda grass has […]

Welcoming a New “Busy” Family Member
The Emerging Home has welcomed a new furry family member! It has been almost two years since we lost Qin and Latte, our persnickety cat, and our loving Pitt Bull-Boxer mix, within days of each other. Since then, we’ve often talked about situations or events that reminded us of them. But adding a new family member was […]

How To Remove a Large Mirror That’s Glued to the Wall
One of the last areas in our 40-year-old house to get an update is the half bath. It has original wallpaper, cabinetry, plumbing, and lighting fixtures. The floor is the “new” part of the room. We replaced it after major first floor damage from a water leak. So, from ceiling to baseboard it’s 1983. But […]

Cutting Down a Large Dying Oak Tree
I always feel sad when I see a deteriorating or dying tree. But it’s especially sad when it’s in your own backyard. We have enjoyed this Oak tree since we moved here 12 years ago. Recently, we noticed an increasing number of dead limbs lying on the ground and several large, lower branches losing their […]

Total Floor Replacement Due To Water Damage
The process we went through to get our water damaged wood floors repaired was long and frustrating…one that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. If we chose to do the repair through the insurance company, we would be required to use their contractor. That was fine with us as there were certain quality guarantees in place […]