This isn’t our typical post about renovating, refinishing, or gardening. This one is about the family that lives life in The Emerging Home. It’s a real family with the everyday issues and experiences that most families have. Our extended furry family includes our dog, Latte and, our cat, Qin (pronounced “Chin”). Recently, we lost both of our furry friends unexpectedly within 11-days. Sometimes we don’t realize our furry friends have such an impact on our lives until they are no longer with us.

Our Furry Friends Joined Us From Rescue Shelters
Our kitty, Qin, joined us from a shelter when she was 2 years old. It took her quite a while to relax and trust us. We didn’t know any specifics about her background, but my hands and arms have bled on numerous occasions as I attempted to brush her or trim her nails. As she got older, she was much more willing to receive these grooming services, especially the brushing. By loving her, she learned to love.

Latte, a Pitt Bull and possibly Boxer mix, came to us from a local shelter as well when she was only a few months old. She was our dream come true, loveable, fun, well behaved, very smart, and gentle. It was clear very early that her desire was to please us. We learned never to raise our voices as this hurt her feelings. Then we would feel horrible. She loved to go on walks and smell everything…and I do mean everything. We would stop every 6-8 feet because there was something else that needed smelling. Walks always took quite a while, and they did not count toward any type of exercise goal!

Latte Played Ball By Her Rules
She loved playing ball! But we had to come up with rules to keep the game going. The game went like this. I throw the ball – she runs to get it – I pick up another ball – when she runs back to me, she must drop her ball before I throw the ball for her. This was the only way we could keep the game going. She would never let us have the ball until it looked like we were about to throw a second ball. Funny, but very smart!

Latte also loved riding in the car. It was routine that almost every trip out of the garage included Latte. She immediately settled into the back seat with her head resting against the slightly opened window as her breath quickly fogged the glass. It was tricky to get out of the house without Latte. She was very responsive to the sound of car keys coming out of the cabinet.
Where Can I Fall Asleep Next?

Home Is Where The Cat Is
Qin responded completely opposite to the word “go.” She wanted nothing to do with getting into a car. We never knew what was so upsetting to her, the sound, the motion, or the close quarters. But she hated it! Before knowing this, we tried to take her on a several-hour trip to visit my family. Within a couple miles of leaving home, Qin had escaped her ample-sized travel box and was digging her claws into my neck. My husband spent that holiday at home with Qin, since it was too late to make any boarding or feeding arrangements.

Play? No Thank You
When it came to playtime, Qin was either too lazy to play or too smart! We gave her a battery-operated toy that spun a ball around itself beneath a canvas cover. She could see the edge of the ball as it moved beneath the fabric. However, it would stop and change direction quickly and randomly. Qin would simply lie on one side of the toy and watch the ball move, and stop, and move again, forever, until we turned the toy off. We tried other cat toys, but she mostly preferred sleeping in new, unique places all around the house. She especially enjoyed the screened porch. So much that it mostly became her space exclusively.
As we begin the healing process, we move forward by changing some areas that evoke the strongest emotions. The first is rearranging, cleaning and painting the screen porch. We have also moved my office and the new arrangement sadly doesn’t include the frequently used dog bed by my desk. We love all the incredible memories we have of these two unique furry family members. They will forever be in our hearts.

Love them unconditionally and, they will love you back!
Losing your fur babies are soooo hard to part with. I lost my three dogs as well, two within 6 months of each other. I came upon your blog by accident but love it. Thanks for sharing something so personal.
I’m so sorry you also lost your fur babies! I agree they are very hard to part with. It has been nearly 2 years since Latte passed. She is still very near and dear to our hearts, but we knew she would love it if we adopted again! So, 6 weeks ago we adopted another Pitt Bull mix puppy from the rescue center! Her name is Mocha, she’s a handful, and we love her! I’ll be writing a post about her soon. I’m so glad you found our blog. Thanks for your kind words!
I’m crying. Miss her too. Gone too soon and way too fast.
I understand your response. We miss her so much. It has been a lonely couple of weeks.